The online space can get a bit of a bashing sometimes with the rise of cyber-bullying, trolling etc. However, it’s important to look at the positives of the online space, specifically blogging. I have been blogging on & off for 10 years & have enjoyed the following benefits from sharing online:

Safe Space To Share

My very first blog was an anonymous one where I wrote about my mental health & relationship struggles. This was a massive lifeline for me & I received all sorts of amazing support through it.

Community & Friendship

The blogging community is so friendly. I have been to many blogging events over the years & it is amazing to put faces to the online friends we make. I have also made some really good friends which started out as simply commenting on each other’s blogs.

Learning New Skills

I will admit to being a bit clueless with technology & at times it was really hard to focus & learn how to build a blog, social media etc – but the sense of achievement once it is done is amazing! Plus everything gets easier with practice!

Increasing Confidence & Self Esteem

Related to the above two points – HOW good does it feel when you have mastered new skills or found a group of people that you really bond with?

Trying New Experiences

How many times have you thought – “Oh I’ll go & visit this place & share it on the blog” – or – “I’ll try out this new restaurant or recipe for the blog”… In my experience blogging opens up your world & encourages you to try new things. You really develop such a desire to share your experiences.

I recently came across a great blog all about mental health issues. You can check out the intro post HERE & have a browse through the rest of the blog posts too! It’s such an important topic & great to see more bloggers sharing.

Let me know if you feel blogging has helped your mental health in any way? I’d love to hear from you!