I must be honest, I am the Queen of Procrastination! And I am not very productive on a day-to-day basis! Not ideal when I run multiple businesses from home! Here are 5 (fun!) ways that I have found really helpful & easy to apply to daily life which really do  boost my productivity.

1 – Use an app to restrict tempting distractions on your phone (Instagram, I’m looking at you!!). Of course, you could always switch off Wifi if you don’t need it for urgent communication etc. I like the Freedom app. There is also a cool one called Serene which also can play focus music & has a lot more productivity tools. I must check it out!

2 – How many words can you type per minute? So much of our working life is based around writing (& therefore typing) online. A really fun way to increase your typing speed & accuracy is one of the typing games on the great free site – Plays.org. These games really brought me back to my word processing classes in school & I was surprised at how quickly I picked it all back up. Super fun & also really useful! My top accuracy was 99.2% which I was very impressed with! Have a go & let me know how you get on! Just don’t get too distracted with the other fun games on their site!!

3 – Write down your top 3 most important tasks of the day – either on your phone or I prefer a paper to-do notepad. There are some really super cute notepads & books you can get these days – perfect if you LOVE stationary just like me! It’s really important to tick the tasks off as you complete them so you can monitor your progress & get a visual reward for your hard work!

4 – If you work from home, set strict times when you are available for work. Instead of getting distracted while making a cup of tea & ending up cleaning the kitchen & doing a load of laundry. Keep work & housework time separate.

5 – Find an accountability partner. This can be a friend, colleague or someone from an online group. You don’t need to spend lots of time chatting which can be a distraction in itself (!) – but just knowing you have someone to report back to at the end of the day can make a world of difference in your motivation!

6 – (Bonus) – Work in an industry you have a passion for
One of the best ways to increase your overall productivity is to work in an industry you are
passionate about. These days many people have jobs they don’t enjoy where they work day in
and day out just to get paid at the end of the month, but it is proven that people who work for
passion are far more successful than people who work for money. This is why it’s crucial you
work in an industry you have passion for. One of the best ways to do this is to invest in a low-
cost franchise opportunity in an industry of your choice. If you would like to learn more about
low-cost franchise opportunities, feel free to visit this website https://franchise-opportunities.co.za/ to
learn more about the perks of these business opportunities.

What do you think? Have you any other ways that you like to increase your productivity? Let me know!